Preston on the streets

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hagarena · 140

Preston had lived a care free life but even so, sometimes he had to get out of the occational sticky situation. When he found him self surronded by working class thugs he knew how to and where to run. Oh yes, and this one time he found himself locked up in an...establishmen...but he knew how to pick the ocational lock. And, if all else faild, you could always throw money at the problem

Pretson is an interssting character to be sure. But with very little in the way of weapons, he is more cluver than briuser. Streetwise is the key to this deck. You can get a huge and consistant boost to both and . This will help you deal with investigation and the ocational monster coming your way. Flashlightand old key ring will help you with more investigation and Signum Crucis will help you tilt the chaos bag in your favour. Build up a big pile of resourses in your pool so that Well Connectedconnected and Money Talks will give large boosts when needed.

Im over explaing this, its pretty straight forvard. The weakness of the deck is damage. Sneak Attack and the ocationa Knife thorw can help you deal with some monsters, but you will have to rely on runing away.

When it comes to upgrading, anything that will boost your money generation and clue finding is what to go for. Lola Santiago is great, Sharp Vision is amazing. Double, Double should find its way in to your deck as well. Do what you feel like. Your rich, you dont have to care what I say!
