She's a real battle Axe

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

frapet · 121

Hi fellow Arkham Fans,

I am going to play Lily for a Hard Innsmouth campaign and was thinking that the seeming signature card: Dragon Pole is actually a trap. It entices you to build a deck for a card you cannot upgrade, to stick with your starting class of and wants you to fill out slots you aren't really invested in otherwise (the arcane slot). Thus I thought. What makes me want to play a lvl 0 mystic and level 1-5 Guardian? For level 0 mystic that would be:

The encounter deck protection (Deny Existence,Ward of Protection

Resource generation (Voice of Ra the almighty David Renfield)

XP shenanigans (Down the Rabbit Hole)

For Guardian 1-5 it's a bit more obvious: A big weapon! (In this case Runic Axe, I know Cyclopean Hammer is better, but less fun I am affraid)

The loveliest setup combo (Stick to the Plan,Ever VigilantPrepared for the Worst)

MoAr DaMaGe! (Enchant Weapon, Fight events to trigger with the Discipline)

MoAr protection... (Hunter's ArmorEmpty Vessel)

The idea is to ramp early with the Down the Rabbit Holexp, with plenty of cards to upgrade in the deck. The extra cost of a few cards is acceptable in the grand scheme of things because the early rise in efficiency will grant more xp to spend (At least I hope.

If you have any tips or additions let me know!