The Sefina Rousseau Job

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gamedevhero · 1

My first attempt at a custom deck for Sefina Rousseau.

I made some changes to try to make sure I'd be gaining resources as much as possible to pay for all the events I'm going to play. Let's hope it works.


Oct 20, 2023 PJFrigate · 329

Quick--albeit unsolicited--thoughts on one of my favorite investigators. I would swap the weapon assets for more damage events or spell assets. With the derringer and switchblade, she's going to be lucky to do one damage and will likely never do two. I think a knife in a level zero build is fine for plinking rats or maybe a cultist. Events will be much more efficient. Also, I think you'll find the deck is much more likely to play the way you want it to if you have a lot more two-ofs than one-ofs. For example, consider replacing the Burglary with a second Lone Wolf; maybe the Pickpocketing with a second LCC (or vice versa). Yeah, I get that the dream is to have both Pickpocketing AND LCC in play at the same time, but I usually want to be progressing the act from turn one (so I'm not taking full turns for setup) and by mid-game I'm either too tied up to play more assets or I realize I'm not going to get full value from doing so. Lastly, with whatever deck you settle on, draw a bunch of test opening hands to see if you're consistently able to deal with a range of issues right out of the gate.