Skids Takes a Calculated Risk 19xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

An_Undecayed_Whately · 1094

Skids seems to be a real challenge to get to the table these days. Old deck were constructed to lean into evasion with fighting (the .25 Automatic was ubiquitous) until Finn did that thing better than Skids ever could.

This is a generalist Skids that leans towards fighting. Play in a group of 3+ investigators because he can't do much until his assets are out and he can't access many search cards for a fast start.

One theme here is to try to make Calculated Risk worth the space. Up to 6 actions a turn are possible: 3 standard, + Leo + Skids power + Quick Thinking. This could fuel a crazy bonus on the last action with Calculated Risk. Even when that doesn't come together extra actions are never bad!

As a way to mitigate the bad token draws we include fancy fur coats, knowing that his pal Lonnie can patch them up as well as soak horror.