The Song of Roland

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shaggyduck2006 · 14

This is a little challenge I might try someday called The Song of Roland. The goal is simple: beat every campaign using only Roland Banks. Each campaign has different expectations for the investigators, so I ran forced learning to make sure that I could have all the cards I need for every circumstance. Thinking of also including Gear Up, but not quite sure.


Sep 18, 2023 rodro · 174

This Roland looks ok at first. It may be worth trying on solo as you suggest.

Generally I do not advice running Something Worth Fightning For since in Normal mode it does not have much value and because you have a lot of soak from allies, but it is a good way to work around 5 sanity Guardian investigators for at least the first couple of scenarios before purchasing I've seen worse... (2).

You look so concerned with survivability. Have you consider playing Hallowed Mirror? Medical Student is conflictive occupying an Ally slot even when you buy Charisma in future scenarios and you don't run any other card using the Charm slot and it gives you a little bit of draw. Having 9 health, True Grit is not that neccesary in Roland. If you remove Medical Student and True Grit and add Hallowed Mirror you have 3 card slots to fill, allowing you to run Deduction to win faster, another copy of Crack the Case to solve your cash problem, another copy of Preposterous Sketches to solve your card draw issue... With 2 copies of Crack the Case, now you can think of changing Dr Milan to Michael Leigh in future scenarios if you wish.

I'd also advice to remove Manual Dexterity from the deck. Working with 2 agility is not really an option. I suggest you instead running Scene of the Crime to get clues and win the game, and assume you'll take damage or suffer some nasty treachery cards from Agility tests during the Mythos phase. Some of this treacheries are played in you threat area (i don't know if it is called like that in english!!) because of an agility test in campaigns like EoTE and TFA, so you may want to purchase Forwarned.

I'd also advice to run .45 Thompson or some weapon that gives you a bonus to fight like Enchanted Blade or Machete instead of the .32 Colt. With 4 base to fight Roland needs the stat buff to hit whenever you need to.

I hope I've been helpful here and good luck singing the deeds of the fed through the horrors of this game!