Lily Chen the Fighter of Destiny (Combat&Clues)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matt88 · 3093

Ok, time to get serious.

Lily Chen is one of those investigators that you want to explore and unlock their potential in various ways, resulting to either good or bad outcomes, yet you still try to find out how they can best be played for lots of fun and/or efficiency (or any combination thereof :D).

Anyway, I have experimented a little bit with Lily Chen and what has intrigued me most is the ability of the Discipline that boosts . It's just such good draw if played right. I mean, you look at it, it's , meh... but then the card draw...

With this deck we 're aiming to make this card draw the most important element of the deck. You start off with the Discipline and as you get XP you also get the one, as you 're also obviously a fighter.

A few notes on the ability of the Discipline: The ability on the Unbroken side and the one on the Broken side are basically the same, the only difference between the broken and the unbroken side being the presence/absence of boost and that the broken side's card draw is harder to trigger. You basically have to end your turn with no cards in hand to trigger it.

Which brings us to discussing the deck concept. The concept is simple: We build the deck in such a way that we play all our cards the moment (or soon after) we get them and we leave few-to-none in hand for those times that, well, you know, something goes wrong. We basically, build an engine that empties our hand and refills it. That way, we empty our deck faster, reshuffle faster and play our cards more times, which is big benefit. And since we sprint through our deck when we play, we can get away with 1-copies of certain key cards (Alice Luxley, Dowing Rod, etc.).

Let's get through the main components of the deck:

Fighting: Brand of Cthugha and Enchanted Blade mainly. Clean Them Out and Spectral Razor work as supportive fight events which save charges from these assets as well as serve other purposes.

Clues: Discipline + Alice Luxley + Dowsing Rod get you to 5 . Outside of that, multiple events can get you a lot more clues.

The Tarot package: Moon Pendant + Ace of Swords + The Fool 0 form a situation where you can have more economy and efficiency in combat but also give versatility in hand management, since with Moon Pendant you can discard the Tarots for skill boosts if you don't need them or can't play them.

Alice Luxley procs: Scene of the Crime, Evidence! (with more than one enemy), Lesson Learned (can be combined with Guard Dog), On the Trail, Dowsing Rod move+investigate manuevre (if there is an enemy at the landing location).

Lots of XP required so Delve too Deep is recommended and In the Thick of it is almost Mandatory.

I think this is a unique playstyle for Guardian/Mystic and I'd be eager to try it.

Thanks for reading and if you liked the deck and the idea leave a comment below to tell me what you think of it.