Leo and his Canine Friends: Guide

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bayushi_david · 230

Leo and his Canine Friends


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Leo and his Sled Dogs were a big thing when Edge of the Earth came out. Not the strongest deck, but brilliantly thematic especially if a certain huskey handler meets an early demise in the campaign.

The reason for me revisiting the deck is Friends in Low Places, which fills the gap of an efficent way to find your key canines. The original Sled Dogs decks relied entirely on Lucid Dreaming and Calling in Favours to find Sled Dogs. That always seemed to me to be a trap - making a no-dogs hand worse by filling it with now blank cards. Now Leo can find his canine friends more reliably the deck is a much stronger prospect.

Table of Contents:

* Overview
* Main Strategy
* Explanation
* Upgrade Path


|| | |-|-| |Difficulty:||★★☆☆☆
| Enemy Management:||★★★★★
| Clue-getting:||★★☆☆☆
| Encounter protection:||★★☆☆☆
| Survivability:||★★★★★
| Economy:||★★★★☆
| Card Drawing:||★★★★☆


Main Strategy:
* Draw cards to find and play Sled Dogs and a big hammer.
* Kill monsters.
* Use Keen Eye to find clues on down turns.
* Repeat.



This deck kills monsters. It kills them very effectively. Once set up you effectively have two high XP-two handed weapons between the hammer and the dogs. You have enormous amonts of soak, meaning you can usually just tank anything you can't kill in one turn.
To set-up trying to get 5 resources of weapon and 12 resources worth of ally on the table as quickly as possible. So there is a lot of draw and a lot of money and for the most part the two come together.
On the drawing side, Black Market is your best friend. It finds your key cards without risking a weakness and sets up a big Easy Mark / Stand Together. By upgrading Friends in Low Places to be fast we can play it after drawing, but before Leo's start of turn trigger. Calling in Favors is useful as a heal as well as a search card, but the chance of missing grows as the game goes on. If you're feeling lucky you can probably upgrade it out.
Between Faustian Bargain, Stand Together and Easy Mark you have a lot of sources of money. Early on, you're just pulling together the cash to get your dogs out. Try to avoid playing dogs as actions and use Leo's reaction as much as possible. Later in the game, Keen Eye will turn anything left over into clues.
Guard Dog is really in the deck to do three things: theme, Calling in Favours to find Sled Dog and pay off Bought in Blood. Because you draw so much you're likely to see your weakness pretty quickly and it can be devastating if it hits a Sled Dog or two. Always keep track of how it would impact you before drawing and try to either have a one Guard Dog / Mitch Brown hand or have a Guard Dog / Mitch in play.
You won't be passing any agility tests ever, but that should only matter in scenarios where they directly go after your assets. Between your allies, Empty Vessel and Calling in Favours, you can tank damage and horror all day long.
Finally, don't underestimate the Dogs' movement ability. It allows you to move across the map very quickly and allows you to get around a lot of encounter cards and locations designed to slow you up by allowing you to move multiple times in a single action. Especially useful in Edge of the Earth, naturally.

Upgrade Path:
The 0xp deck can be found here: (https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/43211/leo-and-his-canine-friends-0-xp-version-1.0)
I don't like micromanaging upgrades, so here's an overview:
In the Thick of It is there for Charisma. Don't even think of taking anything else as you need the ally slots for your Sled Dogs.
Next up I generally go for Black Market and Easy Mark to set the basis of the economy. Upgrading Friends in Low Places to be Fast and Clever is also a good early choice.
Once you have the basis of your economy it's time to save up for the big(ger) hammers. After that, go with what you think you need most given your teams' setup. Stand Together if money and cards are short across the team; Vicious Blow if you're a sole fighter. The Star • XVII and Empty Vessel if you're taking more damage / horror than you would like. If you're confident you can take Riot Whistle instead of the Hallowed Mirror in the intial build for action efficency.

To create your own guides, find the template @Valentin1331 created and for which we are all grateful and hopefully don't screw it up like I did. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vWi3g82i65MV8p6c4VKkYbKDT2blkim4STZ4tpugCNI/edit?usp=sharing)

May 23, 2023 bayushi_david · 230

Lots of strange things seem to have happened with this one. Sometimes it all works perfectly and sometimes the links are all broken and the formatting all over the place. Sorry!

Sep 29, 2023 Neon · 1

Even copying the links I’m getting a “you do not have permission to view” the 0xp version.

Sep 29, 2023 bayushi_david · 230

Ah I think I've got the problem.

Try this link: arkhamdb.com

Nov 22, 2023 sarcophski · 1

This is excellent. I’ve been looking for a good Leo deck that plays him like an ally-heavy expedition leader, and this is the best I’ve found so far. Any suggestions for making this deck safe for TFA? My initial thoughts are to swap something for Cat Burglar and/or Slip Away. Or, ugh, Trench Coat, I guess. I suppose I could always just pair him with Kymani. Anyway, great deck!

Dec 03, 2023 bayushi_david · 230

Nothing will ever be TFA safe, but there are a few things you could try to make it less harsh - You Handle This One for nasty agility treacheries, Bolas and Cheap Shot for high vengence enemies. The problem will be agility tests on locations and there aren't many good options for those.