Is this Lola deck remotely good?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SemiSecretSquirrel · 127

Let the comments begin....


Apr 30, 2023 cabalpaxiarch · 113

A little unpolished but I'm liking it's core design philosophy. I think I'll probably make something inspired by this list at some point. I'm definitely getting rid of pocket telescope, seems terrible. I love ornate bow, it epitomizes her role as a generalist. A little action inefficient but really powerful for when she has to fight. I think I'd prefer track shoes to hiking boots. Probably would consider a pathfinder as well. The ally selection is a little messy. If we're going for canon fodder allies there are better options like lab assistant. Finally, I think I would like some better investigate options. This list does a great job of boosting her stats but doesn't seem amazing at taking advantage of them. That's my two cents. I'll work on it myself, I'd really like to try something like this during my next path to carcossa campaign.