Daisy is done with being tested! (Feedback request)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sers · 599

Hey all!

This is theoretical and (as of yet) untested big hand Daisy deck I am working on. It's main purpose is to satisfy my need to play Dream-Enhancing Serum (I love this card way too much) and also finally get to play Forbidden Tome.

It's nothing too fancy, the main idea is to mulligan for Old Book of Lore (or Research Librarian) to get setup fast with our free tome- and gather a big 12-card hand with the Serum. Once we are done with the annyoing part, the fun starts.

With the free tome- we can use Forbidden Tome, triggering Abigails to use it again for free, which then lets us ready her again thanks to the Quills Interwoven Ink. After that we swap the other Forbidden Tome to Abigail and do it again (twice) for one action, netting us 4 testless clues (and move actions if needed) for 1 "real" action.

The big hand can easily be achieved by holding:

Thanks to Dream-Enhancing Serum we can effectively hold these 9 cards (which can also trigger it's draw effect twice) while technically having only 3 cards in hand.

Besides that, there are situationally usefull cards that we can hold, like:

I really, really wanted to add Segment of Onyx/Pendant of the Queen for more testless clues which are rechargable with Enraptured, but I just didn't know what to cut :( (maybe Empirical Hypothesis, Deny Existence and one other?).

I am not sure how the deck deals with horror from cycling too fast in later stages. Maybe Charisma and let our pool Librarians suffer the consequences. Also, we have no way to defend ourselves besides Blood-Rites and Promise of Power-Disengages, which is probably fine if your group has a dedicated fighter.

Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts on the deck and any comments, ideas for improvements or criticism are more then welcome!


Feb 03, 2023 Valentin1331 · 57182

It is a great idea! Good job on the deck and the explanation!

Feb 03, 2023 Sers · 599

Thank you so much! :)