Monterey Jack found a Quill (29 xp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sergeyvpopov · 64

This deck is inspired by chats with Valentin1331 and Pavel S----- about the Raven Quill. The art on that card is gorgeous, and I love the mat with it, but I need more decks for it. Enter Monterey.

Archaic Glyphs are the Tome and the Spell, so that works just fine. The Quill can move charges from other assets. What else can give Monterey charges? Enter Decorated Skull.

We need allies to kill. We'll be happy enough killing enemies, but our whip is not too effective, and sticking to a Guardian might prove too slow. So we need allies who do stuff when they are played. 4 out of 5 Seeker slots are therefore occupied. Other sources of charges are spells, Divination and Arcane Insight. One charge on Divination = one clue. One charge on Archaic Glyphs = maybe 2 clues? Arcane Insight can be combined with Flashlight (3) and Archaic Glyphs to collect massive clues even on shroud 4 locations.

Flashlight (3) (and Arcane Insight) is good to deal with signature weakness, Emergency Cache to recharge, and the rest is just usual Monterey stuff. Kicking the Hornet Nest is unusual but clearly nice if you really need a charge on Decorated Skull, good symbols too.

Forewarned is to protect against Crypt Chill and Ancient Evils; if latter is not an issue for whatever reason, Forewarned can be replaced by Hiking Boots.

Other stuff can be added obvs. 2 extra basic weaknesses for standalone (although not 100% legal to include Archaic Glyphs (3) into a non-campaign deck) is not too shabby. If XP is not an issue, Dream Diary instead of Flashlight (3); No Stone Unturned instead of Backpack; Eye of Truth; Logical Reasoning (4); plenty of options!


Jan 17, 2023 sergeyvpopov · 64 3xp deck