Old Man Withers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nevermoar · 1

Solo attempt at a Norman, and one of the first decks I've ever built. Still playtesting it, but current expected upgrade path is Shriveling to 3, Magnifying Glass swapped for Spirit Athame, then Guts swapped out for Blinding Light 2 now that will isn't as much of a concern. After that it opens up and I'm not sure. Would love some C&C on it.


Dec 29, 2017 Myriad · 1217

If you can, I would avoid Shrivelling until you have xp, as you are minimizing your mystic splash if you immediately replace them. Shrivelling level three is pretty great for Norman.

I would suggest a Quantum Flux and maybe a Storm of spirits or a ward of protection. I usually get good mileage off of just his events. Quantum lets you recycle what you need.

Dec 29, 2017 Nevermoar · 1

Quantum Flux is the planned sub-in for No Stone Unturned once Shrivelling is popped out of the lvl0 slot it currently occupies. The reason I've got them in there as lvl0s is due to the fact that he doesn't have ANY weapons without it other than lucking into a powerful "I've got a plan!"