Deck Theory: Play from the Bin Wendy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

toothball · 76

Deck Theory: I like to build decks but don't get a lot of time to play them, so instead of leaving them to go stale in my private collection I'm publishing this with the caveat that this deck is untested and may not survive contact with a campaign!

The Idea

The last time I played Wendy was sometime in 2018, and my main recollection from doing so was that I always wanted to keep my cards in hand rather than discarding them for Wendy's ability. These days we have a great deal of cards that want to be in the discard pile, so I started combining the two to see what options emerged.

The Plan

It's an event-based Wendy deck, with the aim of being able to play events from the discard pile, using the cards themselves and Wendy's Amulet. This ought to mean more frequent opportunities for discarding cards to make use of Wendy's ability. Generally Wendy will be evading enemies and finding clues, with a couple of roguish options for dealing damage if any hunting enemies or bosses turn up.

Mulligan priorities are Wendy's Amulet, Resourceful and Scrounge for Supplies. Short Supply should then add something worth playing to the discard pile.

The Extended Plan

On Your Own is up first to help bring events back from the discard pile more regularly. Since most of them cost 1 or 2 resources this will ideally mean at least one comes back to the deck each round. Salvage should then make it a bit easier to recover Wendy's Amulet if it gets lost to Short Supply. Then, adding Always Prepared to Grizzled will mean that it can be retrieved from the discard pile more regularly, especially with a well-chosen trait or two.


 Cost  Total
    →  On Your Own ••• 6 XP 6 XP
   Scrounge for Supplies  →  Salvage •• 2 XP 8 XP
   Scrounge for Supplies  →  Salvage •• 2 XP 10 XP
   Grizzled    ☑☑☑☑☑ Always Prepared 5 XP 15 XP
   Pickpocketing    Pickpocketing •• 2 XP 17 XP
   Pickpocketing    Pickpocketing •• 2 XP 19 XP
   Old Keyring    Old Keyring ••• 3 XP 22 XP
   Old Keyring    Old Keyring ••• 3 XP 25 XP
   Sneak Attack    Sneak Attack •• 2 XP 27 XP
   Sneak Attack    Sneak Attack •• 2 XP 29 XP
   Take Heart  →  Manual Dexterity •• 2 XP 31 XP
   Take Heart  →  Manual Dexterity •• 2 XP 33 XP
   "Look what I found!"    "Look what I found!" •• 2 XP 35 XP
   "Look what I found!"    "Look what I found!" •• 2 XP 37 XP
   Quick Thinking  →  Sharp Vision 1 XP 38 XP
   Quick Thinking  →  Sharp Vision 1 XP 39 XP

(View at


This plan has the obvious drawback that Abandoned and Alone could wipe out a large chunk of the discard pile at any time, so unless you can convince your Seeker to buy and then play No Stone Unturned on you at the start of each game, it's always going to be a risk.

Suffering the two direct horror from Abandoned and Alone may also be a challenge, especially since On Your Own means there are no allies to soak it up. Hopefully though, a decent trait on Grizzled will help deal with horror-sapping treacheries.

Other Ideas

If more icons are needed than clues, A Glimmer of Hope could replace Fortuitous Discovery

If horror does become an issue, Plucky may be a good option for absorbing some of it, although you'd be reliant on Resourceful for retrieving it from the discard pile.