Agnes Baker (alternate) 0xp The Circle Undone

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nyovne · 13

The prime targets for your character ability are spectral razor, read the signs, and ofcourse the soothing melodies from your mirror.

It deserves mention that the bonded cards of Hallowed Mirror and Occult Lexicon are spell events and as such can be affected by alternate Agnes her ability as well as her heirloom. That said, with heirloom in play you have the potential to have up to 26 cards in your deck that draw at least one card upon being played or activated. This combined with the ability to reshuffle your key cards in the form of spectral razor and read the signs give the investigator alot of gas.

Quantum flux helps out with the cycling effects in the deck, particularly the blood rites from the occult lexicon but one should suffice. The mirror and fearless skills are there to provide some resiliency if things are going poorly and some sustain for your trauma and investigator ability if you are cruising through a scenario. Adding a relic hunter and upgrading the mirror(3) will add enormously to this benefit in the mid stage of the campaign.