Leo’s RttCU Run #8 (Before the Black Throne)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Leo’s RttCU Run #7 (In the Clutches of Chaos) 1 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1203

It’s the finale! I’m spending the four XPs we’ve saved up from the previous scenario to purchasing Lessons Learned. Aside from grabbing clues from underneath the noses of Azathoth’s acolytes, I have this ideal ending in mind where Leo investigates the Black Throne, fails and gets attacked by Azathoth itself. Of course, the main obstacle is getting to the Black Throne. I’m curious to see whether the Nightgaunt Steed will curb the randomness of this scenario or not. When I look at it I think it incentives playing the scenario as usual and using it only when the Court of the Great Old Ones or the Black Throne isn’t revealed in the first few Cosmos locations. We’ll see. Leo has the Black Book in his opening hand and some hints from Carl Sanford and that’ll have to do.

Before the Black Throne

Pre-Mulligan Hand: Easy Mark, Calling in Favors, Easy Mark, The Black Book, Sled Dog

Opening Hand: 2× Easy Mark, The Black Book, Sled Dog, Take the Initiative

Agenda & Act: WHEEL OF FORTUNE • X & The Cosmos Beckons

Leo begins the scenario with Nightgaunt Steed, 2 resources on the scenario reference card and 2 Physical Trauma.




Gavriella exhausts, so that last relation from Wizard of the Order didn’t get us a clue. Still, three actionless clues in a single round is impressive. Leo’s board presence is solid and if nothing goes wrong all these resources are going to get funneled into Keen Eye.

Board State Reminder: 6 health, 6 sanity, 6 resources, 4 clues, 2 resources on the scenario reference card, 0 doom on Azathoth

In Play: Nightgaunt Steed, Gavriella Mizrah (1 damage), Sled Dog, Sled Dog (1 damage & 1 horror). Mauser C96 (4 ammo), The Black Book

In Hand: Take the Initiative, Venturer, Overpower

Threat: Fate of All Fools




Leo’s allies are taking a pounding, but the scenario progresses fast. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think a non-story version of Gavriella Mizrah exists? I mean, I’m provoking attacks of opportunity deliberately, this effect is so useful. I’ve got one clue in reserve and in whatever direction the location spawns it’ll allow me to hop there with the Nightgaunt Steed and check it out.

Board State Reminder: 5 health, 6 sanity, 1 resources, 3 clues, 1 resources on the scenario reference card, 2 doom on Azathoth

In Play: Nightgaunt Steed, Gavriella Mizrah (3 damage), Mitch Brown (1 damage), 2× Sled Dog (1 damage & 1 horror). Mauser C96 (3 ammo), The Black Book

In Hand: Venturer, Overpower, Mauser C96, Flashlight

Threat: Fate of All Fools



Well, that’s it. Leo joined the pipers of Azathoth. I’ve toying with the idea of taking our intrepid investigator on a short trip to Egypt after his ordeal in Arkham was over, but in the end I think it would cheapen his sacrifice. On the other hand, perhaps there was some malevolent force that popped that Dancer's Mist leading directly to the Court of the Great Old Ones and then led Leo to find the Black Throne on the first scouted location? Who knows. The way Gavriella and Mitch will tell this story Leo Anderson will be the hero anyways. As for my opinion on the Return to the Circle Undone. It’s solid. The encounter cards have been notably improved. The special Tarot deck is pointless, but at least in-theme. As I’ve said earlier, story-wise, I don’t think the Witches needed the extra attention. After the two equivalent factions of TFA, there was nothing wrong with making the Lodge the core while leaving the Coven as background. Thanks for reading!

Campaign Log:

Disappearance at the Twilight Estate: Gavriella disappeared into the mist. 3 pieces of evidence were left behind.

The Witching Hour: Leo has rejected his fate. The witches’ spell was broken. 8 XP, Mementos: Mesmerizing Flute & Ritual Components.

At Death’s Doorstep: Leo is on Gavriella’s trail. Leo escaped the spectral realm. Leo rescued Josef. Leo is a member of the Lodge. Leo is deceiving the Lodge. 7 XP.

The Secret Name: Leo told the Lodge about the coven. 4 XP, Mementos: Gilman’s Journal, Keziah’s Formulae & Worn Crucifix.

The Wages of Sin: 4 heretics were unleashed unto Arkham. 2 XP.

For the Greater Good: Leo discovered how to open the puzzle box. Leo kept his mementos hidden. 2 XP.

Union and Disillusion: Leo sided with the Lodge. Carl Sanford possesses the secrets of the universe. Gavriella is alive. 4 XP.

In the Clutches of Chaos: Leo asked Sanford for assistance. The path winds before Leo (4). 3 XP.

Before the Black Throne: Leo has joined the pipers of Azathoth. Azathoth slumbers… for now. INSANITY.


Jan 29, 2022 Phobic · 2

Glad to see you are still doing these! I once played all of the standalones as a campaign (by just removing the xp costs to play and starting from easiest to hardest), wouldnt mind seeing you doing something like that ^^