My First Try at Daisy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
My Second Try at Daisy 0 0 0 2.0

MockZ · 1

It took me a little time to throw this together, as there are plenty of cards I wish I could include. For reference, I’m playing with a Revised Core, all the standalone starter decks, as well as the first Path to Carcosa expansion.

In paring the deck down, what helped me most was evaluating card resource cost. Some of the more powerful cards either didn’t make the cut or only show up as one copy here because in the long run they just cost too much. Instead, I stayed with my favorites: Deduction, Burning the Midnight Oil, Fieldwork, and Mind over Matter. Some of the Harvey Walters-oriented cards made the cut as well, as they’ll help me continuously draw into the other single copy cards.

I’m a noob, so all help is appreciated. Mainly, I’m focusing on investigating within a group, while having the option to provide a little support here and there. Enjoy!


Jan 13, 2022 Soul_Turtle · 432

It's a pretty solid deck! Good job!

My take is that you're underestimating skills and a bit asset heavy. One of the neat things about skills is that they're basically strong 0-cost cards, when you think about it. So if you're worried about resource curve, skills are a great way to balance out expensive cards.

Scrying never really impresses, I would leave it out. You've got a lot of hand assets - this could definitely be trimmed down to 5 or so at most - Flashlight is not needed for a 5 Intellect character like Daisy (it's basically gonna be a worse Magnifying Glass most of the time), and even Magnifying Glass is not needed if you want to go for Encyclopedia instead. Thinking that you're gonna make use of Daisy's extra Tote Bag hand slots is a bit of a trap in my experience. It's kinda expensive for what it is and you won't always draw the Tote Bag.

I kind of want a second copy of Research Librarian to find Old Book of Lore ASAP, it's a Daisy staple. Consider adding Ward of Protection - it's a very strong defensive Mystic card and the horror cost is negligible to a 9 sanity character like Daisy. You can find it quickly with your Old Book of Lore and have it for troublesome treacheries such as agility tests.

The deck is light on enemy management but that's ok for a Seeker. You might consider Occult Invocation or upgrading into "I've got a plan!" from Harvey's starter deck if you find your team lacking in combat though.

Overpower is a waste of a skill. You're not gonna be testing combat much and base 2 isn't enough to do anything even with Overpower. Same for Manual Dexterity, they're too situational for a character who rarely tests those stats. Try replacing both with Unexpected Courage. You keep the flexibility but it's way more likely to be useful when you draw it. I would recommend Perceptions too.

If you want to commit to the Forbidden Tome idea you probably want 2 copies and to lean more into card draw/big hand. You'll need Laboratory Assistants to increase your hand size, and probably to upgrade into Charisma or Miskatonic Archaeology Funding. Otherwise take it out, it's not good unless you are dedicating your deck around it.

Jan 13, 2022 MockZ · 1

@Soul_TurtleThank you so much for taking the time to write this! All of it is incredibly helpful. I’m going to make these edits for myself. I appreciate your thoughtful feedback!