Tommy Muldoon - Deck for Hard/Expert

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

krifar · 25

This deck has been tested on an Expert difficulty of Innsmouth Conspiracy.

The idea behind the deck is to focus on efficient soaks and to provide as much as possible testless actions.

It is very important to be able to fight and take clues, so we take Evidence and Scene of the Crime for that. With only 3 intellect, Tommy cannot waste actions to investigate on higher difficulty.

If playing on lower difficulty, consider using Flashlight and .45 Automatic instead of the Thompson.

Upgrade priorities are as follows:

  • Combat Training lvl 3 instead of Cherished keepsake
  • 2x Beat Cop lvl 2 instead of 2x Tetsuo Mori
  • Charisma
  • 2x Lesson Learned lvl 2 instead of On the Hunt
  • 2x Vicious Blow lvl 2

After that, you are free to upgrade as you'd like. If you have a lot of XP, you can take Stick to the Plan, Ever Vigilant, Extra Ammunition and reliable two-handed firearm, such as Flamethrower or Lightning Gun. One tarot card is preferred if you go SttP route, for Hard/Expert go for Ace of Sword or The Star XVII otherwise.

As allies, The Black Cat and Red Gloved Man are very good choices, but you wont have the experience probably.

Once you have Becky in play, use its ability to put ammunition on it, instead of taking money.

Mulligan hard for one of your weapons or Prepared for the Worst, as you dont have much draw and you might be in trouble if you have bad opening hand.

Once you have ally or body/accessory, feel free to use Toe to Toe for testless 2 dmg, or 3 if you commit vicious blow.

Jury Rig is and early game card to help you pass the tests, as without it you wont be able to succeed at 4 + 2 fight tests.

If you don't kill your soaks, you simply wont have enough resources for your cards, so feel free to play risky in order to take dmg and or horror. Be careful tho, your horror soak is still not enough.