Father For Sure

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nevash · 1

Well, in general, this deck should maximize its advantage of 5 experience in the first scenarios, with the help of two strong spells Shards of the Void and Song of the Dead . It is advisable to find one of these two cards in a start-middle game. There are many possibilities for this, for example, Scroll of Secrets and Arcane Initiate.

Next, the deck becomes stronger by increasing the quality of core spell cards, based on your choice in a specific situations.

As you progress through the scenarios, strong spells are recruited into the deck (since we have each scenario + 2 experience for spells, Arcane Research, it's pretty easy to improve the magical side of the deck) and also, if necessary, additional cards to search for core spell cards.

Two, in my opinion, most valuable things about Mateo is having automatically succes by , wich we can also manipulate by some added in a future cards, such as: Eucatastrophe (thanks for our ability to take blessed cards) and Seal of the Elder Sign.

And the second one - abilluty to cancel once per game. It is real pleasure to plan next turns with idea, that can be canceled.