Paint Me Like One of Your Arkham Girls

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dalarpguy · 105

This was the deck I took into the Dunwich Ironman event at Arkham Nights. It was part of a team with Zoey, Rex and Yorick.

This deck is designed for four player as the backup to pretty much all the major roles, but could easily be altered (with only very slight changes) to be workable for solo or two player. She can take whatever the encounter deck throws at her, she can deal with monsters, she's relatively mobile. But her main role was as backup cluever. And an early upgrade into Streetwise and Hot Streak really helped to cement that. Not long after that Lockpicks replaced the flashlights and I was really helping out Rex on that department.

Sefina definitely did best on her own, not because of the Lone Wolfs (those were early drops for Hot Streaks), but because she didn't need support and with Leo out she had the actions to get around town. Ace in the Hole and The Gold Pocket Watch were relatively late game upgrades that really pumped up her utility.

Overall, the deck performed really well (although seemed to plateau at around 30 or so XP). My whole team really did an awesome job, but I'd like to think Sefina was really filling in all the spaces that we could have struggled otherwise in the campaign.


Oct 17, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67726

Looks solid.

Nice to see a spec thats more rogue focussed. I always seem to end up with more mystic than im comfortable with in Selfie given that her XP options are almost entirely green.

How do you find the 15 starting events for her opening hand in the first couple of SCs? Ive drafted decks but ive not really tried her in action so im not sure where that comfortable minimum is to be sure of reliably getting 5 under the ID card. Ofc if the alternative is being forced to take events for the sake of events rather than by desire then maybe the risk of ditching a card or two might be fine at the start. Certainly this looks like a good balance given that you plan to go up to 17 with Hot streaks.

Oct 17, 2017 dalarpguy · 105

In 8 scenarios I only missed the opening hand once. It’s rare, but it’ll happen. But it’s worth it for the help the assets provide.

Oct 17, 2017 StartWithTheName · 67726

yeah i did wonder if the fast start would still be worth it even if it was just to get good odds on an early rig.

Dec 10, 2018 Schielman · 38

What is your opinion of Spirit Athame, and if you like it, what would you cut for it when upgrading?

Also, I absolutely love the name for the deck. It was probably a more important factor in my decision to try it out than I want to admit.