Dynamic Duo - Yorick and Minh

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

olahren · 3106

William Yorick and Minh Thi Phan


"One is an aspiring actor, the other got a script to kill for! But can they dig up the secret to survival?"

Dynamic duo!

This deck is part of a dynamic duo series, and is meant to be played together with Dynamic Duos - Minh. It works just fine when paired with other investigators too, of course, but some cards might be less effective.


Minh and Yorick can both buy the powerful 1xp Brute Force/Sharp Vision/Unrelenting skill cards and play them on each other’s tests. Combine that with Minhs investigator ability (+4 to fight/investigate!) and Resourceful to recur them. Minh will help finance Yoricks items with the help of Schoffner's Catalogue and Crack the Case. Yorick will help Minh with Scene of the Crime and by recurring his Old Keyring. Oh, and Minh will try to emulate Yoricks discard games with Scavenging on her own.

Weaknesses: Low agility, not many cards that can cancel extra nasty encounter cards.

Upgrade path

First, add some more weapons and bolster your strength. As for weapons, I like to start with two Machetes. 1 Xp per blade is a fair price, and the drawback is minor. You can survive without the +1 damage in a pinch, with all your damage boosting skill cards. I usually replace the Enchanted Blade because William can certainly deal with the sanity loss from Meat Cleaver as long as he has a Keepsake in play. Four weapons is a bit low, but you have Tetsuo Mori - and you can even manage without a weapon if need be. We'll eventually add a Fire Extinguisher down the road.

Second, a set of Brute Force, Sharp Vision and Unrelenting will only set you back measly 6 Xp. Resourceful will keep returning them to your hand, so will your effect.

Important upgrades, in my order of priority
  • Replace Enchanted Blade with Machete
  • Replace Take the Initiative, Unexpected Courage, On The Hunt with Brute Force, Sharp Vision and Unrelenting.
  • Beat Cop is still my favorite Yorick card to recycle, since the extra point of damage often can save you one or even two actions. And the combat boost seals the deal. Replace either Tetsuo Mori or the medical student, depending on the campaign and your weaknesses (the student is great if you happen to have one of Edge of Earth basic weaknesses).
  • Ice Pick does take a hand slot so you can't dualwield cleavers and keyrings. I would still add it - paying 1 resource for + and +1 damage (if discarded) is just fantastic. And you can always use it on a low shroud location with Sharp Vision too, for hopefully 3 clues. And it can be dug back up.
Other upgrades (in any order you’d like)
  • Timeworn Brand is a simple and just plain effective card that can hit super hard once per game. It's expensive as heck, both in term of Xp and resources, and its kinda boring, But it's still a great option for a +2 weapon that hits with +1 damage.
  • Fire Extinguisher is such a fun card! You can evade your way out of a snake pit, you can blow up the whole pit or you can bash just someones head in with it. It's a really decent backup weapon/evade tech/emergency button item that you even recycle (if you use the evade option, that is). I love it. It's a great fifth weapon too.
  • Burn After Reading is a great replacement for Scene of the Crime. Just exile some lvl 0 card you can replace for free after the scenario. Or, exile a level 2 card if you 're running out of time.
  • Ace of Swords It's not my favorite card and it depends a bit on the campaign. I think it's needed in combat heavy campaigns but your milage may vary. *Safeguard (2) is great. It's surprising how often the 0 Xp version is good enough, but the upgraded version is a nice luxury card.
  • Dauntless Spirit will give you (or Minh) either +4 (or more) or +3 . I like it for some campaigns, such as Forgotten Age and Circle Undone.
  • Leadership is a good card, but even better with Minh around to add another to it.
  • Police Badge recurring is a true and tried Yorick tactic. It's easier than ever with Minhs Schoffner's Catalogue.
  • The Red-Gloved Man is a card I particulary enjoy. You can buff your to find clues, you can use his health pool to drag an enemy across the map, you can tackle difficult tests - and you can bring him back by killing a single enemy.

    Tips and advice

    Try to get Safeguard into play as soon as you draw it. It's a great way to stay by Minhs side, while giving you breathing room to help out with clue finding.


Disclaimer - most of these "dynamic duo" decks are heavily inspired by other decks found here on Arkham. Thanks to everyone who shares the fruits of their labor - this is an amazing community . :)


Jan 15, 2022 KarmicLark · 1

Nice deck! Have you considered In the Thick of It? If you split the trauma, the first Medical Student you play each game can mop it up. The extra experience could jumpstart things a little bit.