Cursed Dexter, post Innsmouth and more (69XP/51XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DerBK · 1916

Dexter Drake, curse master, in his final form. This deck went through Innsmouth, Rougarou, Excelsior and Outer Gods and i did ignore the XP restrictions of Innsmouth. So Arcane Research spiraled "a bit" out of control :D

For the sane version of the deck, downgrade the Initiate, the two Scrolls, the Wards (back to level 2) and remove the Charisma. That'll chop off 18XP, for a much more reasonable 51XP total.

The deck was played alongside Joe Diamond, also with a curse focus. Standard difficulty, two-handed solo. Link to Joe deck:

All things considered, this deck was pretty great, but near the end the deck size with all of those story assets got to a point where i was hard pressed to find my spells. Some draws without either Faustian or Favor were also a bit dry on resources, although it certainly helped that i had two Stand Togethers in the Joe deck. Without all the bloat, this deck would've worked a whole lot better.

Those curse spells are really good. Having the bag full with curses was never an issue and getting all those extra effects and charges even when failing is super neat. Recharge is also quite the card when you realize that Favor of the Moon makes it always hit a safe token. I very rarely had a spell run out.

Geas i played with "don't draw", and i waited with playing it till after the Initiates did their work of finding an Eye of Chaos. Scroll can still get you extra cards through Geas and so can Deep Knowledge out of the other deck. So that worked out just great.

Arcane Studies i included fairly early because my original plan was running Cigarette Case (which i dropped when Geas entered the picture). Studies was supposed to replace the bonus will that we usually get from the accessory slot. I ended up liking Studies a whole lot more than i expected. I think i will run that card a lot more often from now on.

Final verdict: Cool deck, but would be better without all the junk from the campaign and side scenarios in it :D


Aug 19, 2021 DerBK · 1916

Here's the level 0 deck i started with:

Aug 23, 2021 unremb · 251

You can always trigger Arcane Initiate outside your turn.

Aug 23, 2021 DerBK · 1916

True! I keep forgetting that those abilities can be used in any player window -.-

Nov 15, 2023 Jenemai · 67

This deck was a good reference to help with my parallel jim deck, thanks for posting!

Nov 15, 2023 Jenemai · 67

Did you find olive mcbride wasn't worth including?

Nov 17, 2023 DerBK · 1916

It's been a good while since i played the deck, so i don't know too many details anymore. Looking at the list it is playing quite a lot of allies already though. I remember Initiate being key to actually finding the curse spells and Priest of Two Faiths is honestly pretty filthy if you can actually use the curses, so those stayed in over Olive.

Looking at the list today, i probably should've played another Charisma and kept at least one Olive in.

Nov 17, 2023 DerBK · 1916

@Jenemai: also, if you haven't seen it, i did post a link to the level 0 deck, which does have the Olives. But curiously no Initiaties which i now think is just plain wrong.