League Season 6 TDE-A - No-Nonsense Harvey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PaxCecilia · 397

The Relevant Youtube Playlist

This is the Harvey Walters deck I prepared for the 6th season of the League of Extraordinary Investigators. This league was all 4 scenarios of The Dream Quest, with a modified finale to amp up the stakes. Scoring went as follows:
Scenario 1 was 1 point per VP earned (max 10 points).
Scenario 2 was 1 point per Sign of the God discovered (max 10 points).
Scenario 3 was 1 point per VP earned (max 8 points). Scenario 4 was 2 points for each Nyarlathotop defeated (max 10 points).

The scoring on Where the Gods Dwell might make you wonder if we played with all 5 Nyarlathoteps, which we did, and also removed a few of the hidden cards: Each copy of Restless Journey and each copy of Law of 'Ygiroth. This was to help make scoring a bit more of a stretch goal for the folks that really were able to crush the scenario, while trying to remove a bit of the variance during solo play that can happen during that scenario where you basically can't win because there's too many cards to get through the encounter deck. I came in 3rd place with a final score of 36.25, behind Mattastropic at 39, and NextLevelPlays at 40.75.

Key Level 0 Cards

First thing is first: you always have to have a card available to handle an enemy. If you don't, you will lose the scenario. To that end the level 0 deck is loaded with as many reliable level 0 combat options as I can muster. Anatomical Diagrams, Mind over Matter, Occult Lexicon, Occult Invocation, and Disc of Itzamna are your life blood. If you do not draw enough of these and you draw too many enemies, the game is instantly over. Do not be scared of a bad Thrice-Damned Curiosity, you might get hit for 2-3 damage but that's nothing compared to having 0 solutions to an enemy currently engaged with you. A notable exclusion is "I've got a plan!", which I've generally found is not useful enough in solo play generally speaking, but especially not in this campaign. Exploring the enchanted woods in scenario 1 is the only time you're likely to be holding onto clues for very long, so maybe it could have been justified here for the woods, but it does nothing to help against Kaman-Thah and Nasht, so it did not make it. Dream Diary and Essence of the Dream are to help smooth out that idea of always having a card available to handle an enemy. Even if it's just 1 evade attempt, that can be the difference between instant loss and progressing.

Upgrade Path

First on the checklist is upgrading Dream Diary. I was lucky to get Dream Diary and Dream Diary, the two copies that are a lot more useful for the purpose I needed. If I had performed better on scenario 1, I might've justified picking up Dreams of the Madman twice instead. Next on the checklist is Segment of Onyx. This campaign was completed before the most recent taboo update, so this was a no nonsense 4 XP get out of a jail free card for movement, evades, and clues that I don't have time to move and test to pick up. Finally Pathfinder is just too good to pass up, and one copy is plenty in Harvey.

Next I picked up 2 Cryptic Writings to help with the cost curve while I added The Necronomicon. Generally speaking I just wanted the big bomb 3 damage nuke once in a while, with the flexibility of using it for whatever I felt like I needed. For the final scenario I picked up two copies of Perception to speed the deck up a bit, a Backpack to fetch Segment of Onyx and tomes a bit quicker, and a single Shortcut to try to place on The Great Hall.

Overall I was very happy with how the league went. There were definitely a few tactical mistakes made in scenarios 1 2 and 4 that cost me some points, but overall I was pretty happy with the deck and my play. The biggest regret I have which I only discovered after having watched Mattastrophic's absolutely killer finale was missing how strong Scroll of Secrets to filter the encounter deck of Where the Gods Dwell would be. I think if I had another shot at running this through, Scroll of Secrets (3) would have been a priority upgrade even after scenario 1, even to help control the doom on Search for Kadath and alarm on Dark Side of the Moon would have been incredible.