Too Blessed To Fail (?)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prinny_wizzard · 251

I've been meaning to create a Blessed Pete deck for a while - as Favor of the Sun, Ancient Covenant and Jacob all exhaust it suggests some possible synergy with the man who can refresh a card once per turn - but I was putting it off until I finished the Mythos Busters campaign playalong.

Now that's done... here's the deck :D

The main thing that drew me to this particular deck is that, between Granny Orne, Jacob, Favor of the Sun and Ancient Covenant, Pete can guarantee passing at 5 under on a skill check once per turn. And then refresh Favor of the Sun, and take another test with a +4 (between the guaranteed bless and Jacob again). That feels insane.

The downside is that this does mean he works through the Favors incredibly fast. Quantum Flux helps with this slightly - letting him cycle his deck faster - but he definitely misses Yorick's level of recursion.

This particular design is for standalone, where I didn't want to exceed 19xp, but I strongly suspect an 'actual campaign' version would take Shrine of the Moirai for the extra recursion, encounter cards be damned. And maybe Spirit of Humanity too, and/or Favor of the Moon to lock up those Curse tokens until they can be safely converted to Bless by the Token of Faith without affecting an important test.


Jun 01, 2021 LivefromBenefitSt · 1023

I'm still not sure about Cap'n Morrison eating sall of Duke's treats....

Aug 02, 2022 SolarJ · 495

Great deck Prinny! Did you find token of faith firing often?

Aug 03, 2022 Prinny_wizzard · 251

I confess I forgot about this deck, and haven't taken it for a spin yet ^^; I should really change that, maybe try to take it through a standalone. On reflection I don't expect Token of Faith to fire often, no - maybe up to 4-5 blesses per game, from the Deep Knowledge and Tempt Fate curses. It was much a case I couldn't work out what the last 2 cards should be as anything else.

(Looking at it now did make me think - a Minh deck that runs Blasphemous Covenant could trigger the Token while the curses stay in the bag, hm. Without the ability to take Ancient Covenant too, I'm not sure what the payoff for the blesses would be. Maybe that's something to explore in multiplayer...)