Jim Culver's Smooth Jazzy Night with Friends (2 player)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Jim Culver's Smooth Jazzy Night with Friends (2 player) [FIR 7 5 2 1.0
Inspiration for
Skill test?! PFFT, what skill test? v2.0 (see link) 191 148 20 1.0

Wrathburn · 3101

No idea if this deck is good or not, but it's my first time deck building, so it'll be a learning experience. At worst, I'll have a hilariously good time getting crushed by some monsters :D

CONSISTENCY is the name of the game. I want to be passing 75%+ of my skill checks.


PILOTING: Get the clues as fast as possible (minimize effects of treacheries and being overrun by enemies), then help clear out enemies to accumulate as many VP as possible before completing the scenario. Stick close to a tank so he can engage enemies for me

NOTE: As soon as I complete Strange Solution, swap it out for something else.

Potential Cards:

  • Clarity of the Mind
  • First Aid
  • Liquid Courage
  • Guard Dog
  • Elusive

Potential DROP cards:

  • Flashlight
  • Strange Solution