Jim Culver - The Dunwich Legacy Cycle - The Necromancer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 162

This version of Jim is trying to take full advantage of boosting his Willpower skill and adding Doom to your own cards - but to your advantage. So you can use "Alyssa Graham" and then clear off the Doom with "Moonlight Ritual".

The deck will really start to come together once you have some xp to spend. You can choose to further the Doom route, or try and cash in on Jim's abilities with Skull tokens.

For your opening hand you want to look for Holy Rosary, some sort of weapon (hand asset or arcane) and preferably an ally.

Possible Upgrades:

Blood Pact (3xp) - Adding Doom doesn't hurt as much because you do have Moonlight Ritual to get rid of it. And boosting your willpower (or fight) further is always better. And it's a permanent so it starts in play.

Grotesque Statue (4xp) - Further Chaos Token manipulation is very good for Jim, especially considering some of the spell cards he has.

Song of the Dead (2xp) - If you already have Grotesque Statue, this is tailor made for Jim.

Rite of Seeking (4xp) - Much better version of the non-upgraded card.

Ward of Protection (5xp) - This version lets you discard Enemies. That is awesome.

Shrivelling (5xp) - You could possibly take more horror, but the upside for Combat is worth it.

Jewel of Aureolus (3xp) - Nice reaction to net you extra card draw or resources.