"Ashcan" Pete - The Dunwich Legacy Cycle - Shenanigans

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 162

This version of "Ashcan" Pete & Duke is kind of a jack of all trades. They should be able to handle any skill test thrown at them reasonably well as their base skill stat is nearly 4 across the board (technically).

And since "Ashcan's" ability is fueled by discarding cards, I've included "Scavenging" so you can easily choose to discard item cards and then get them back. Also, "A Chance Encounter" can temporarily retrieve allies for you.

For your opening hand, honestly just about any mix of assets with an event or two would be good. What you need will depend on your scenario and if you're playing with other Investigators as "Ashcan" and "Duke" can fill in the missing gaps.

Possible Upgrades:

Peter Sylvestre (2xp) - He helps shore up Ashcan's slightly weaker Evade skill and gives him some extra sanity soak.

Scrapper (3xp) - Always nice to have the extra skill boost, and it helps fuel Fire Axe and Dark Horse.

Lucky! (2xp) - Extra card draw is great in a deck where you will be pitching cards to the discard pile.

Will to Survive (3xp) - Not pulling tokens for your entire turn is very, very good.

Lure (1xp) - If you really need to get that meddlesome enemy away from you...