Mary Mary Extraordinary

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ravenstone · 1

Mary for a multiplayer Innsmouth run taking advantage of adding both the Bless and Curse tokens to the bag, and utilisng the cards from 'In too Deep' such as Armageddon,The Eye of Chaos etc. to make those curse tokens become a benefit when triggered from her Crisis of Faith

Resources are an issue as with most Guardians but David Renfield can provide a boost to enable you to get those expensive assets on the table. Did consider Olive McBride but feel that need those resources over token draw. Uncage the Soulalso aids in getting those expensive spell assets down for a discount.

Taboo .35 Winchester can do that sweet +2 damage on drawing Bless tokens so this deck relies on filling the bag to max with the new tokens but Blessed Bladehelps fill the bag with Bless tokens early game.

Low health is a concern, so Robes of Endless Night and First Aidincluded if Guardian Angel doesn't drop early on.

Upgrade obviously thinking of Paradoxical Covenant for the auto success from Bless and Curse, possible will team with Charisma and Olive McBride to help guarantee the combo of tokens coming out!

Work in progress so welcome any comments :)


Dec 29, 2020 MrGoldbee · 1433

Too many assets, not enough cash.

Dec 29, 2020 Ravenstone · 1

Got to try it out in Pit of Despair pairing with Luke Robinson, swapped St. Hubert's Key for Holy Rosary as didn’t need the extra investigation pip and the Rosary is much cheaper.David Renfield indeed fixed the early game cash issue and Sister Mary was able to get assets down quickly, recommend getting him in starting hand so mulligan for him at start. We got a good solid win, all keys and 4/5 flashbacks, much better when played before when everyone died! Mary kept the Chaos bag nicely filled with the new tokens and skill tests were a doddle. Thinking of upgrading with Sacred Covenant to keep blesses in the bag which works well with the .35 Winchester

Dec 29, 2020 Ravenstone · 1

Sorry meant 3 flashbacks, I know we missed one with 4xp gained at the end of scenario.

Jan 11, 2021 Abbojm01 · 5

I am glad to hear it went well... I am considering Sister Mary with Olive McBride. Have you considered Paradoxical Covenant and use that with Favor of the Moon to release a cursed token when shooting with the .35 winchester, or any other test to auto succeed? Did you find the lack of skill cards problematic?