Daisy Walker Investigates ALL THE CLUES!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

silentdante · 1

no combat skill or items at all, could maybe evade a few times but also not build for that. she is a clue vacuum with a couple other things thrown in for resources and survival.


Jan 17, 2017 FBones · 18416

Question: I'm assuming you are planning on using this for pair play; if so, do you have an investigator in mind that she would be helping? Also, do you have a sense as to whether she would be off on her own or if the two investigators would mostly stick together?

I haven't found Blinding Light to be very good, especially for Daisy Walker (it is okay for Agnes because she sometimes needs more ammo). Daisy's native evasion is only 1 behind her willpower, so it is not that big of a difference.

I'd suggest more skill cards. If you are having the investigators stay together, then skill cards become extra useful, as you can help either yourself or your partner.