Agnes Baker studies De Vermis Mysteriis

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dlikos · 144

I have been playing with De Vermis Mysteriis for a few different campaigns and am interested in where (with whom) it works the best. I believe it is with Agnes. This deck is NOT an Agnes deck.. I know there are better Agnes Deck's, the attempt here is the best available De Vermis Mysteriis/Dayana Esperence Deck.

Please let me know what you think.

UPGRADE De Vermis Mysteriis x 2 (4XP) Dayana Esperence x 2 (6XP) Charisma (3XP)

Remove Prophesies, and Deny's or Gazes as they are redundant.

Then options to upgrade Blinding Lights, Storms, Wards, Robes, Initiates... perhaps move to a new accessory over the Pendulum.

Possible Variants: Delve's for early XP boost, but I would give them up as soon as UPGRADE is met, Arcane Research - Might save some XP with Ward and Blinding... but not much, Promise of Power is fun, of course the Rosary over the Pendulum but I like to use different things... plus the pendulum fits the quark of Agnes.


Dec 04, 2020 dlikos · 144

Mateo works decently as well. He can take the De Vermis Mysteriis right away with his starting XP... and a Blinding Light could turn into a Banish or Bind.