Agnes w/Daisy! Core Hard + Rougarou [Hard] Playthrough

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Agnes w/ Daisy 0 0 0 1.0

FBones · 18416

This is a special deck for Agnes intended to complement Daisy. I'll be playing through the Core + Rougarou scenarios with it.

A few key points: The baseball bat is there initially for two reasons:

  • There's nothing else in the deck that uses hands.
  • Agnes will be doing all the fighting, so it is a good idea to save ammo when possible by using the baseball bat to kill small fry.

Note: the 0-level Blinding Light is not that great, but I have them in the deck for three reasons:

  1. Can be useful to help stretch out Shrivelling.
  2. They are a spell, so they are often drawn "for free" (Initiate) and you get another draw if you have Heirloom out.
  3. Their icons are useful for skill tests.

Use scrying to protect Daisy from getting any monsters. This lets you some degree of independence.

The expected strategy is for Daisy to help you get Arcane Initiate and Heirloom of Hyperborea out early using her book of lore. Once Agnes get these two out (or at least the Initiate---I must confess that sometimes if I get the Holy Rosary first I just use the Heirloom on a skill), she will have tremendous card economy.

Daisy was lead investigator.

First scenario: The Gathering [Core 1] Got a Drawn to the Flame early on to accelerate things a bit, but Daisy was flagging a bit because Dr. Milan Christopher was slow to come out. I made good use of Baseball Bat, probably killing 3 or 4 easy monsters with it.

We ended up eventually clearing all the clues but we had both the strong enemies (Icy Ghoul and Flesh-Eater spawn). I took out the Icy Ghoul pretty quickly, but I was concerned about the Flesh-Eater because I had used up 1 of my Shrivelling and so only had one left. Using two shots to kill the Flesh-Eater would mean only two left for whatever came after.

I decided to jump into the hallway (where the Flesh-Eater had moved), use a Blinding Light to do one damage (Flesh-Eater is super easy to evade) and then use just 1 shot from Shrivelling and 1 direct damage from Agnes Baker special ability (pulled from Forbidden Knowledge).

That left Agnes with 3 counters on Shrivelling. We advanced, spawning Lita Chantler and Ghoul Priest. Daisy ran into the Parlor and managed to get Lita, bringing her back into the hallway. Unfortunately, Agnes pulled an Autofail on one of her shrivelings, so she could only do 6 damage (2 x3 attacks) plus 1 more direct from her special ability. Unfortunately, I had Dark Memory in my hand and could not afford to play it. Between those horror and the attack of the priest, I go exactly insane and expire when Ghoul Priest hits me, but I am able to do one more damage to him from my special ability before dying. So that is 8 total.

Luckily, Daisy has a Mind over Matter and, with her last action and 8 doom counters on the card, she connects for the final 2 points to kill the priest. We ended up with 6 Victory points (Attic + Cellar + Icy ghoul + flesh heater + priest).

To transition to the second scenario, I used my 8 xp in the following way: 1 xp to sub in Scavenging, traded out 1 Manual Dexterity 4 xp for Grotesque Statue, traded out 1 Blinding Light 3 xp for Book of Shadows, traded out my other Blinding Light.

Scenario 2 did not go well. Agnes does do well against Acolyte cards because they only take 1 damage to kill. Daisy used Mind over Matter plus Lita Chantler to take out one of the cultists, and I had to run around killing others before they got too much doom. Unfortunately, Daisy made a tactical error and choose to keep Dr. Milan Christopher out rather than bring out Lita Chantler to soak up damage. On the last round of the game an encounter card gave her too much damage and she died. Agnes managed to kill the The Masked Hunter and then resign. We got 3 xp total.

I used 2xp to sub in the strong Blinding Light card, replacing Baseball Bat. Used my last xp to pay the cost to play Rougarou as a one-off mid-campaign.

Rougarou (played on Hard) was Tough, especially since Daisy was lead investigator, meaning that she got the Curse of the Rougarou---highly problematic because she has trouble doing damage. We did note that she now has less reason not to use Medical Texts since if she fails the skill roll and does damage, she won't take horror from Curse of the Rougarou.

Anyways, we just did not move fast enough and ran out of time. Agnes in general is a good investigator for Rougarou because she can use her direct damage to knock off Insatiable Bloodlust, and if you have Lita in the party it means you can do 4 points of damage each time you engage The Rougarou (use 1 resource from Forbidden Knowledge to take a horror, doing 1 damage, then 1 shot from Shrivelling does 3 points). Unfortunately, then The Rougarou runs away, breaking engagement and accelerating doom (if you are in the final agenda).

I got nice use of Scrying in this final scenario for warding off my Amnesia weakness. Once I got down to the last 12ish cards, I knew there were not many spells left, so I did not have as much reason to use Arcane Initiate's ability each turn. Instead, I used Scrying to check for Amnesia, knowing I could use her shuffling ability once the card showed up.

I now think that Agnes just does not quite have the firepower to complement Daisy. She does fine handling her own creatures, but she runs out of ammo quickly if she is having to kill off both her own and Daisy's.


Jan 09, 2017 Django · 4965

When i play daisy, i get out Holy Rosary as early as possible to put any excess horror on it, to make the most out of her ability.

Also, if you include Scavenging, you can reuse any item cards, like Holy Rosary and Baseball Bat. You can even recover her amulet, after committing it so skill tests.

Jan 09, 2017 FBones · 18416

Django, Holy Rosary is so good that I'm happy to get it out early if I draw it, but I prefer (in an ideal world) getting the amulet out early because I have found that with the Arcane Initiate ability my deck becomes rapidly depleted of spells, so if I don't get the Heirloom of Hyperborea out early, it isn't very useful.

I really like the idea of using Scavenging in general, and I do with my "Agnes complementing Roland" deck [

But for the specific purposes of complementing Daisy, I only think it makes sense to do it after both of you have some xp. Here is my reasoning:

When paired with Daisy, my preference is not to use flashlights in my deck. This makes it tough to trigger the event on Scavenging (on Hard difficulty). But after you both get some xp, I think Scavenging makes more sense because Daisy will have the Encyclopedia (to help your intellect) and you will have Grotesque Statue, thus upping the value significantly of your ability to bring items back.

Jan 10, 2017 Django · 4965

So you like Holy Rosary, but you've got only 1 in your deck? I suspect the other has daisy. Maybe you should print some proxies?

I once played with wendy and skids. Thanks to my proxies, i don't need the core game 4 times...

In my experience, Scavenging isn't as powerful for agnes as it is for wendy, as she does not have Burglary. When building around Scavenging i always ask myself, how many item cards are enough? Scavenging is useless if you don't have any, but the items may also slow you down. It's also a problem if you don't have enough spells for agnes's amulet or the arcane iniate.

I've created and played an agnes deck with focus on Scavenging through the core campaign, but i'm not very fond of it. It's too slow. However i only play Arcane Initiate when the current agenda would advance next turn, so the iniate's doom token has no effect. Is it worth it to play her earlier? I'm not sure.

Jan 10, 2017 FBones · 18416

Yes, we split the Holy Rosary between us... I was trying to keep things simple and go without proxies, otherwise I'd definitely put 2 in the deck!!

I heartily recommend getting out Arcane Initiate as soon as possible! In fact, it is the one card I most want to see in my starting hand. In a typical game I'd say I tend to get about 4 or 5 spells from her ability. Easily worth the extra doom counter.... and if you have to you can kill her off using Forbidden Knowledge (getting a resource from it) before she affects the agenda.

Jan 10, 2017 Django · 4965

If you can kill her i see your point and the first agenda is long, but if you don't, you lose a whole round, which is like 3 actions and 1 encounter card per character.

Can you use Forbidden Knowledge the moment you draw Ancient Evils, but before it resolves to prevent the agenda from advancing...?

Jan 10, 2017 FBones · 18416

You cannot use the Forbidden Knowledge ability in response to drawing Mythos. There is only one window for using lightning abilities, and it is after cards have been drawn.

Agnes has some insurance against being caught unaware because she can use Ward of Protection against Ancient Evils.

Your comment brings up another interesting issue: in some scenarios it is the agenda that gets you [obviously, the first Core scenario], but in others the agenda advancing is not a big deal, but the encounter cards are crushers (like the 3rd scenario for Core). In the latter type, an extra doom is not as significant.

It will be interesting to see as other modules are published which one is more significant. I've only played Rougarou once, but it seemed more like the "encounters get you" type scenario.

Jan 10, 2017 Django · 4965

You can't? That's too bad, however Scrying could be an option.

Agnes and Daisy can both use Ward of Protection...

YOu got rougarou? Nice, i'd like to have it, but it's old old everywhere.