Zoey Samaras dunwich games

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Badgerblake · 113

To take part in a solo dunwich campaign, will be playing the campaign 5 times, with 5 diffrent Investigators, one from each class. Will play one scenario at a time with each investigator to compare how well each investigator does in each one and get a good feel of each sceanrio. By doing this i can set the scenario up and play it 5 times in one evening.

Scenario 1a - Extracurricular activity. Rounds taken - 9. VPs earned - 3. Reseloution - 1. With revoultion 2 and 3 completed by pete and sefina i decided to try and get into the Faculty offices with Zoey to see what outcome that might achieve. With the help of the trustry flashlight and a well timed intel report everything went smoothly. Star cards where meat clever and on the hunt to control the encountrr deck.