Dodgy Defender

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bronze · 185

This is the first attempt at trying to build a defensive character. At the moment there are only a few defensive cards in the game and Wendy can start with Leather Coat. She is capable of avoiding enemies the majority of the time. She isn't an offensive power, but she can engage and peal away enemies from other individuals and then evade them with considerable accuracy.

When things go badly, she has an amazing power to re-roll the failed effect. I can see her as a somewhat powerful support character that has an even split of her stats so she can withstand a significant beating.

Upon leveling I can see her aiming to add in Elder Sign Amulet and Bulletproof Vest to increase her tank capabilities and focus entirely on the peal and sustain approach. After evading targets your allies can freely engage the exhausted enemy without repercussion or you can let them attack while engaged with you and soak a hit or two on a failure.

This is my first thoughts with this pattern, so looking for input on whether others have built something similar or have input to provide going forward on this topic of building a tank.


Dec 14, 2016 Bronze · 185

Close Call and Aquinnah would build towards a strong defensive option when experience options become available as well. So not sure where I would go come time to make those decisions when going with this build.

Dec 14, 2016 bullettrang · 13

Did you try all the scenarios with this deck yet?

Dec 14, 2016 Bronze · 185

No I have not. This is a specualtive Wendy deck at the moment because my current Wendy deck is doing ok, but the thought of a tank using her came later. I still have the final scenario to play out so I dont have info going forward for that in mind either. I have building decisions in mind right now only for scenario 1,2 and Raugarou when theory crafting the tank. I might try this next however.