Zoey the Killer!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Zerogrim · 289

Zoey the Killer!

So I think Zoey may be my favorite or second favorite investigator so far, I the full Dunwich and returns sets and Zoey has seen me through Dunwich multiple times, I'm starting to get to the point of wanting to refine the deck a little more than usual so I wanted to receive some feedback on my deck here.

The design of this deck is to be the biggest beat stick I can be, smashing ever face that needs smashing and shooting every face that is out of range.

I tried to fit some investigation into this deck at first but all the murder got in the way, in theory I would play this deck in a two player team with a dedicated seeker.

for the flex cards I went with Shortcut because most of the time I find myself drawing needlessly while waiting for threats, and being able to effectively bank an action like this is super valuable. (also moving with enemies is a neat trick to have) Dark Horse and Lone Wolf are both cards I feel are insanely powerful if you plan around them, they might seem to work against each other but once you have Keen Eye generating two resources a turn becomes super easy to manage and channel into beneficial turns. Cunning Distraction is the panic button, Every scenario that I have lost overwhelming at was always due to one thing, enemies swarming so fast we had no chance to respond, Cunning Distraction A: gives me one evade a match, which is what I used elusive for anyway. B: can exhaust elite enemies, so bosses become so much easier to fight or manipulate. C: is a juicy panic button, that I can usually afford, If I or my teammate have engaged a bunch of enemies I will either have a quick influx of cash from them OR the freedom to cache it out, then I can just buy us an entire turn to think, followed by another cash injection when they all engage me.

The upgrade path for this deck is fairly simple.

Keen Eye Permanents rock.

Blackjack to Machete They are only in the deck to hold the space anyway.

Dynamite Blast to Lightning Gun seemed like a logical path up, lightning gun is basically just a slow burn dynamite blast that you can recharge after all.

from there maybe Extra Ammunition for the Lightning Gun, and generally just upgrade cards.

Really just looking for advice from some more seasoned players, as there could easily be massive flaws here or simple solutions I have completely overlooked.