Tommy and His Meat Shields

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tibbo · 7

This is intended for Path to Carcosa in multiplayer with 0 exp. Tommy shines mid/late game when he has most of his assets out. To get the best value out of Tommy's ability, killing off assets is the way to go. Once Becky is out, resources from recycled assets via Tommy's ability can be turned directly into bullets. Meat cleaver is an effective alternative when bullets are low. Cherished Keepsake and Tetsuo Mori can soak up the horror damage from Meat Cleaver and turn these directly into resources. Tetsuo in particular synergizes nicely by bringing items back from the discard pile. Alternatively, keeping an enemy engaged and taking a few attacks to Beat Cop and Guard Dog will turn them into resourses just as effectively while synergizing with their abilities. Engaging enemies and tanking attacks, pulling them away from other investigators with Heroic Rescue or taking the sting away from encounter cards with "Let me handle this!" These are the main purpose of this deck.

Killing your allies off is only useful for adding ammo to Becky. When assets are needed for their intended purpose and cannot be killed off, Drawing Thin on investigation skill checks will keep your pool of resourses from draining. Keeping a steady supply of resources will help with Dig Deep and Physical Training for killing off elites. If enemies catch you before there are no assets available to soak damage, taking some physical damage is not a big problem. Thermos with Venturer will keep you happy and healthy.