Support for Firefighters

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cuherdir · 1162

I really appreciate Doovies' call for community support so here's my idea of a thematic standalone deck that's hopefully up for a challenge.

"Help support Australian Volunteer Firefighters by playing Arkham Horror with Blog on the Altar.

Post your game with a Fire Axe or Fire Extinguisher in play on Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Blogger or in a private message.

Tag me in it (Jarrod Davies/ Doovies), and i'll donate $5 on your behalf to the RFS and then match the total amount raised.

Thank you to those who have supported this cause thus far and offered kind words.

Main focus is obviously theme, but it should work well enough in play as well and I'm going to use that for the picture. Also (in theory), you can provide your teammates with their own copies of Fire Axe/Fire Extinguisher with Teamwork!


Jan 03, 2020 Doovies · 570

Thanks Chuerdir! Love the deck theme. I'll be putting a fiver in for this amazing creation! Love the versatile Fearless too :)

Please if you're reading this, play this deck in one of your games or simply another Investigator with a Fire Axe or Fire Extinguisher in play. Share a post on Facebook, Discord, Reddit, etc and tag me (Jarrod Davies, Doovies, etc) and i'll donate $5 on your behalf and match the total amount of all contributors.

Thank you Investigators.