The Veterinarian

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

typtrich · 27

This is a sample decklist for a "Veterinarian" character created for a friend.

The veterinarian has the following stats, abilities and special cards:

: 3

: 4

: 2

: 3

Health: 6

Sanity: 8

Whenever you discard a Creature card by placing damage or horror on it, take 1 direct horror.

Creature cards do not take up an Ally slot.

: If you are engaged with a Creature that has 1 remaining health, spend 1 resource to discard that creature.

Effect: +0. If the test is successful, search your deck or discard pile for a Creature card and add it to your hand.

Unique cards:

Man's Best Friend: Asset. Cost: 3. Test Icons: ,

: Exhaust a Creature you control to add 1 to the current skill check.

Rabies: Treachery. Weakness. Disease.

Revelation: Put Rabies into play in your threat area with 3 Damage tokens on it. Rabies cannot be removed from play while it has a damage token on it.

Forced: At the end of the Player Phase, for each damage token on Rabies, assign one damage to a Creature card you control. If you cannot place a damage token, instead discard one card.

: Spend 1 Resource to remove 1 Damage token from Rabies. If it has zero Damage Tokens on it, remove Rabies from play.

Deckbuilding info:

Deck size: 30

Deckbuilding options: Seeker cards level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, up to five level 0 cards from any other class, any Creature cards (these do not count towards the five level 0 cards)

Deckbuilding requirements: Man's Best Friend, Rabies, 1 random basic weakness.

The general idea behind this deck is to create an entertaining "Veterinarian" style character that depends on animal allies, and takes it personally when they die - even if they are enemies! At the moment, the only cards that apply are Guard Dog and Stray Cat, and the only enemies are Swarm of Rats and Whippoorwill, but it should still be enough to create some fun flavor. I have created a suggested card list for this character, though this is probably far from optimal!


Jun 18, 2017 Django · 5032

That's a very interesting idea.

Regarding his ability to take damage when his friends die, you should add "Forced:" in front of it.

How about replacing has ability to discard creatures:

, exhaust (character): When a creature at your location would be discarded, add it to your play area with 1 damage and/or 1 sanity remaining (depending if they have some or not).

Whenever you heal damage or horror, you may distribute the healing freely amoung yourself and any creature you control.

Regarding his deck building, i understand why you choose seeker, doctors are usually acadamics. But instead of "5 0XP cards of any class", how about "0-2 XP guardian cards"? Guardian has a lot of cards that heal and prevent damage, so it would fit the doctor style and benefit his new ability.

Jun 19, 2017 typtrich · 27

Guardian sounds like a good fit, actually! I was worried about making him a sort of inverse Roland Banks but it fits the archetype well.

I also like the idea of distributing healing to creatures you control, but it's adding even more text to what is an already-crowded character card. Cards like Emergency Aid already exist that can heal allies, too.

Jun 21, 2017 CeeTee2001 · 9

Interesting idea. However you have 9 cards from out of the Seeker faction. You are only allowed 5 unique cards so this deck is far from legal rules wise.

Remember. The Limit of 5 cards is unique cards. If you want 2 of the same card. That counts as 2 of the 5 cards.

Jun 21, 2017 Django · 5032

This is a custom character, not rex (see the discription for details). This website does not support custom characters, you must use one of the existing and then add "illegal" cards to your deck.