The searching queen

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Onetribe · 319

Main idea

This deck is about full control of your deck and the environment around you. As of now I tested it in 3 scenarios of Return to Carcossa on hard and it is quite impressive.

  1. You absolutely have to place Mr. "Rook" into play
  2. Abuse him, usually by picking 2 from 9 (Mandy abitlity) and refuel using Astounding Revelation or occasionally Enraptured
  3. If you can't find him, then use every possible option to search for him, so either No Stone Unturned (Mandy ability 1 out of 9) or Eureka! (Mandy Ability 1 out of 6)
  4. If this still does not work, then arm yourself and just stand still, drawing cards, arming yourself beforehand with
  5. Just roll through scenario. It has enough firepower to withstand enemies and enough seeking to get to Pendant of the Queen
  6. After that just enjoy total control
  7. Remember that you can add a charge to the Pendant of the Queen using Enraptured


  1. Remember about positioning when seeking. Occult Evidence
  2. Blood-Rite's are for killing but remember you can deal 1 damage with it also, not only 2 :) The other discarded card can be used to gain the resource.
  3. You need every possible to play acidic strange solution with certainty
  4. At all times keep in mind which Research cards already were played and which are still in the deck. That helps if you need 2 resources for whatever reason or are standing on multi-clue location
  5. The deck has a lot of one offs and it's up to you to choose the right one at the right time. Based on the main principle, you should always choose 2 cards from 9 each turn.


  1. The fact that you can pack 50 cards in the deck is a trap. Don't do it.

    But [Shocking Discovery](/card/06009).... ?!
    No, shut up, [Shocking Discovery](/card/06009) is really a minor problem
    But the deck will run out quickl...
    Shut up! Use [Quantum Flux](/card/03196)

  2. Deck's main problem is really not finding Mr. "Rook". Just accept that sometimes it takes 4 turns until you start. Yes, that might mean that you will lose a scenario. But you will have better fun in all the others. Add another No Stone Unturned if you're afraid of it. You can leave Enraptured in the binder in this case.
  3. Why did I skip on Ward of Protection? Because it was part of the strategy to lose the first Carcosa scenario, so mental trauma packed and I think I'm leaning more towards Deny Existence. It helps also when fighting.
  4. I wouldn't upgrade No Stone Unturned. Unless you want to spend 5xp just to fish out Shocking Discovery. I don't recommend it. On the other hand if you do, then DO NOT USE IT, before fishing it out with something else. Then just play it and draw 2 remaining Segment of Onyx that you need.
  5. Where is the Old Book of Lore? In the binder. It costs 3, an action to play it and an action to use it. Sure, it could help in finding Mr. "Rook" but I prefer to rely on luck, statistics and do not overburden the deck with resource generation.

Upgrades or 0xp cards I think of

Hell, I don't know... Really, help me out people. I feel that every bit of this deck is absolutely crucial and it's very tight. and the cards that I want are typically very expensive. In no order I'm thinking of:

  1. No Stone Unturned
  2. Glimpse the Unthinkable
  3. Backpack

Just for the record, this deck is tailored for solo but as a rule of a thumb, each solo deck runs pretty good with another solo deck in multiplayer :)