Daisy Walker - Charming librarian

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RexMu · 1

It's a test! I really don't know if it's works. I tried a mixture of mystik an seeker cards in hope of creating a powerfull colleague for Zoey, because we have failed so many times at "the devourer below"! :(

I would be grateful for any helpful comments! :)


Jun 08, 2017 Synisill · 794

If The Devourer Below is your main issue, you should have a plan ready for this scenario. With Daisy in the team, you are probably going to win by finding clues as soon as possible. This means two things for your team:

  1. try to interrogate as many cultists in The Midnight Masks as you can, even letting the time run out, it's not that bad.
  2. Make sure that in The Devourer Below Zoey sticks close to Daisy all the time. #Pathfinder is great to save you clicks!!! You, Daisy, have to FOCUS on collecting clues while Zoey has to keep you free of enemies. Zoey must be able to handle multiple enemies on her, but as a fighter, she has her ways.

Good luck!

Jun 08, 2017 Synisill · 794

Sidenote: in the cave, let Zoey take her turn first and let her exhaust the big boss. In your turn, you can safely search for clues, be quick there! In the next enemy phase, the Ancient One will ready prior to attack (forced-ability), but you should both be able to take one hit. Repeat the process one turn after, and you will hopefully have won!