2 cores and the Carcosa cycle - Please help

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AltarofPan · 1

i have an unusual card pool but looking to maximize it for a functional solo deck. any and all ideas are welcome.


Sep 26, 2019 Sassenach · 179

It's difficult to work out what exactly you're aiming for with this deck. I get that the card pool you have is restrictive, but it's not so restrictive that you'd send out Yorick with only 2 weapons in the entire deck, neither of which do any additional damage. You'll soon find that this makes it impossible to succeed, esp since this is a solo deck and the only clue-gathering cards you've included are 1x Look What I Found, 1x Evidence and 2x Lantern. All 4 of your clue cards are highly situational, and even playing true solo you're going to need more than 4 clues to clear any scenario.

I'd say you need at least 3 further weapons in the deck and a number of other clue options. I'd consider ditching both copies of Not Without a Fight (which is a terrible card anyway but certainly bad in solo play), and I'd certainly drop Stray Cat.

Sep 26, 2019 AltarofPan · 1

oh a reply thank you. clearly i have only played the core campaign with the recommended deck, and i have No Idea how to make a solo deck because i've made one before. so... thank you.

any other suggestions welcome by anyone. for the record: i am trying to make a true solo deck with Yorick and the limited card pool. obviously, i could use help.

Sep 26, 2019 AltarofPan · 1

ok. out: not without a fight x2, stray cat x1. in: trench knife x2, baseball bat x1.

while i have your attention, sassenach... any other obvious missteps?

Sep 27, 2019 matt88 · 3093

I'm not an expert solo player but I'm experienced enough to know some basic stuff. If you 're going solo you definitely need Flashlights. It's a must-have tool for any solo player. Yorick is good at fighting but has trouble investigating, so you should take every card available to you that helps towards investigating with the exception of Lantern which is really bad for Yorick. You also need some good weapons to fight enemies, so without access to Prepared for the Worst, I'd say you need 2x Machete and 2x .45 Automatic.

Some tips:

  • If you use Flashlight on 2-or-lower shroud locations you get a clue almost guarranteed. If the difficulty of a test is 0 you only fail on an auto-fail.
  • Likewise, you can use Flashlight in conjunction with "Look what I found!" to grab clues from 3-4-shroud locations with guarranteed success. Your skill value can not drop below 0.
  • Use enemies to recur Flashlights and Gravedigger's Shovels. If you run On the Hunt you can set up a kill in order to recur the aforementioned assets so that you can get more clues. This also combos nicely with Evidence!.
  • You should generally focus on recurring your clueing assets with your ability. As I said earlier, Yorick is a good fighter but has trouble investigating, so you should try to maximize your investigating capabilities. Gravedigger's Shovel is a perfectly good card to recur multiple times.

Things I would remove from your deck:

2x Lantern, 2x "Not without a fight!", 2x Hiding Spot, 1x Madame Labranche , 1x Stray Cat

Things that I would add to your deck:

2x Machete, 2x .45 Automatic, 1x "Look what I found!", 1x Evidence!, 2x Flashlight.

Hope that helps.

Sep 27, 2019 DelightfulDilettante · 346

The advice above is solid. I would also remove Say Your Prayers and add another copy of Cherished Keepsake. Keep in mind that because of Yorick's investigator ability, both Cherished Keepsake and Leather Coat can come back into play from your discard pile after you defeat an enemy at no cost.