Jenny Barnes (Solo Campaign after The House Always Wins)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1179

In the last episode Jenny failed The Night of Zealot. This time she'll attempt to tackle the Dunwich series of scenarios. The starting deck is the exact same as earlier.

The House Always Wins: R2. Jenny managed to rescue Dr. Morgan. Curiously, she ended the scenario with herself at two health and Dr. Morgan at one health, but with zero horror. At one point she had to contend with Clover Club Pit Boss, O'Bannion's Thug and Stubborn Detective at the same time. Jenny wanted slay the Servant of the Lurker, but another vile abomination spawned on top of it and then it definitely was time to bail. Fortunately, the Searching for Izzie was drawn just before the starting location ceased to exist, so the problem solved itself. In summary, it was an easy scenario for Jenny, who had money to gamble with and friends to swap for clues. (That being said, discarding Leo De Luca at the Clover Club Lounge was likely a misplay.)


Jun 05, 2017 Synisill · 790

I like your summaries of the events. Thumbs up and good luck, Jenny!

Jun 05, 2017 Magnificate · 1179

Question: How do I update published decks with deleting them and posting anew?

Jun 06, 2017 Synisill · 790

I don't know what you mean, exactly. The older decks are still there in the list. So there is no need to delete anything. Say you start a campaign. You publish your first deck. --> n#1 online (for the public to see).

You make some changes before you start the scenario and publish --> n#2 online (so there are 2 entries in the public list)

You successfully tackle the 1st scenario. You upgrade and enter the xp you gained. A link to your old deck will be created. From this time on, you can not make changes to the former deck, but it is still available for viewing. When you decide to publish the latest version, your latest deck will be published --> n#3 online.

In summary: everytime you press the publish-button, a new entry is made in the global list.

Jun 06, 2017 Magnificate · 1179

That works too, although publishing each separate version of the deck seems spammy.

Jun 06, 2017 Synisill · 790

It's the way this website is created. My strategy against spam is: i only publish the deck i want others to see and no other :D