"Ashcan" Pete Hobo Stew

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nonhumanuser · 1

Testing in Tabletop Sim.


May 03, 2019 Sassenach · 179

Not clear why you bothered to include Charisma here. I take it you do realise that Duke doesn't take up an ally slot ?

May 03, 2019 nonhumanuser · 1

I was not aware actually that Duke does not take up an ally slot. Where does it say that? Well that changes that way I spend my exp on the first upgrade.

May 03, 2019 nonhumanuser · 1

Never mind, I just realized Duke does not have an ally icon. OK now I feel dumb but I am so happy.

May 04, 2019 Sassenach · 179

You're welcome :)

I think the bulletproof vests are probably overkill as well btw. Leather coat does the same job for zero resource cost. It's not as good, but it doesn't cost any XP and can be recurred using Resourceful, so it's probably a better option overall.

I'm also intrigued by the lack of splash cards in this deck. Can't help thinking you've left out a lot of powerful options here. I personally like to include a few cards from the mystic pool into Ashcan decks. It works well with his willpower.