Their Eyes Met Across a Crowd of Ghouls

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sassenach · 179

It was the greatest love story ever told. A Beautiful, haughty sociopath and a trained actor reduced to the status of a bum. It should never have worked, but when she struck the match and set fire to his home he looked into her eyes and knew that he would follow her to the End of the Universe....

It always struck me that Yorick and Lita Chantler should naturally be lovers. This deck is specifically designed around that concept. I'll be playing right through the core set then on into Dunwich, Carcosa etc, or as far as he can until he dies. This is my first attempt at a published deck so it will doubtless include all kinds of rookie mistakes. In fact I've spotted a couple already, but after I started my campaign and got 9xp from the Gathering I figured I'll just have to live with that.

Since this is all about the torrid affair between Yorick and Lita, the most important upgrades were adding 2 copies of Flare. The idea is to hard mulligan for Lita and then if she isn't located the flares are there to try and find her asap. With the love of his life on hand Yorick has no need of any other allies so I haven't included any. I don't think they're going to be necessary though. Lita is probably the best ally in the game and she's a perfect complement to Yorick. She's a 3/3 soak ally who gives +1 fight and +1 damage against a lot of enemies, including his signature weakness. With Lita in play he can one-shot the graveyard ghouls and move on as if they were never there, and since she can be replayed from the discard pile for free every time he defeats an enemy, he effectively has a permanent +3/+3 to health and sanity once she hits the board. The snag of course is that there isn't any way to get out of NotZ without having 3 mental trauma, so it's going to be super-important for our hero to find his star-crossed lover early in every scenario.

For clue-gathering, I'm mostly focusing on tricks and events, although the shovels are there to be discarded and recycled. This is a very cheap deck overall though, so in future I may look to add a couple of copies of Plucky and replace some of the extraneous event cards, because resources shouldn't really be a problem so pay-to-win is a viable approach.

Any recommendations for where to go next will be gratefully received.


Mar 27, 2019 Narduwel · 2

Yorick and his Ghoul-friend. Lita is super good with him and super thematic. If you have access to "The Circle Undone" cycle, I would recommend using Enchanted Blade and/or Meat Cleaver instead of Knife and/or Survival Knife. Also, Seize the Initiative and Steadfast are also super good to run with Yorick. When (or if) you get to forgotten age, you will probably want try and fit in the survivor cancel card so you can have better chances against them annoying poison effects.

Mar 29, 2019 GermaineFrame · 11

Love the thematic flavor!

Apr 12, 2019 PureFlight · 757

I'd recommend a Moment of Respite post-Zealot to deal with the mental trauma. You could probably drop a weapon to make room for it.