"Skids" O'Toole, Boss Killer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vaseodin · 302

This deck is meant for standalone play and though it is meant for combat (mainly killing the big bads), it can hold its own for investigation thanks to streetwise.

You don't need to mulligan for a weapon, mostly due to Skid's high agility and Streetwise for help evading non-hunter enemies early in the game. What you want to do is build up your resources early by ensuring hot streak, emergency cache, or lone wolf (at least one of these, but the more the better) are in your opening hand.

You'll want to play police badge and Bandolier early to mid game so you can manage the willpower tests a bit better. If the encounter deck has particularly nasty or numerous willpower tests, you may want to replace steadfast and a copy of prepared for the worst for a copy of "You handle this one".

The. 45 Thompson is your weapon of choice, but the machete can take out less hard-to-night foes to conserve ammo.

While you're not fighting or evading, help by investigating while using streetwise to boost your investigate checks. Try to pile on resources and don't spend them for extra turns unless you can do something productive.

Double or nothing can be combine with "watch this" and "high roller" for massive resource gain, or combine it with "quick thinking" for 2 free actions (even out of turn!).

Use the extra resources to fuel high roller and get free actions with Skid's ability when fighting something big to really give it to them.

If the baddie has retaliate, evade them first (boosting Dex with streetwise if necessary) and then go about your business shooting them in the face.

If you take too much horror and happen to have your first aid, don't be afraid to use resources to gain an extra action in order to heal your sanity.

I had a lot of fun with this deck when I was testing it, and I'm sure you will too.

Check out my rogue introduction video on YouTube at https://youtu.be/d9esN2A3hQo