Pocket Portal
Doorway to Another World



Cost: 2.



Forced - After Pocket Portal enters play: Place your investigator mini-card onto Pocket Portal and immediately end your turn. While your mini-card is on Pocket Portal, you are not at any location and enemies cannot spawn engaged with you. At the start of your turn, discard Pocket Portal and move to any revealed location.

Quintin Gleim
War of the Outer Gods #52. War of the Outer Gods #48.
Pocket Portal


No faqs yet for this card.


Hello. I have 2 questions about this asset:

Is the move of the mini-card an investigator's move? (For instance, can Ursula do a free investigate?) The second part (move to any revealed location) is explicitly a move.

What happen to ennemies engaged? They follow and stay engaged? They stay in previous location and obviously desengage?


Novark · 2
the first step isn't move, its just "place" ursula needs the word move for it to count. in absence of portal stating otherwise think enemies just stay engaged. — Zerogrim · 295