
Part 1.


Revelation - Spawn the set-aside Mi-Go Meddler at the Fungus Mound. Put this card and the set-aside The Military's Plan asset into play next to the act deck, with 5 damage tokens on it. Place 1 horror token on 1 different Oozified locations farthest from the Crater. Horror tokens on locations represent explosives.

Forced - If there are no explosives among locations in play: Remember that "the explosives were defused." Flip this card over.

Forced - If The Military's Plan has no damage on it: Remember that "the explosives were detonated." Flip this card over.

Victory 1.
You are approached by a military officer who informs you of the military's plan to destroy the anomaly using explosives. "I tried to tell them why it won't work, but the General was too stubborn to listen," he explains. "The explosives are on a timed fuse. If they detonate, it will only split the creature further and make it even harder to destroy. Orders be damned; we have to stop them!"
The Blob That Ate Everything #24. Mi-Go Incursion #4.

Defuse the Explosives - Back


Read only if "the explosives were detonated:"

Remove Mi-Go Meddler, The Military's Plan, and this card from the game. Remove each explosives from each location. Each investigator and Ally asset at one of those locations takes 3 direct damage. Heal 5 damage from Subject 8L-08.

Read only if "the explosives were defused:"n
"Thanks for helping me," the officer says once the job is done. "I'll make sure our remaining forces know that their conventional tactics are useless against the creature. Perhaps there are other ways we can assist?"

Put the set-aside Lt. Wilson Stewart story asset into play under any investigator's control. Remove The Military's Plan from the game. Add Mi-Go Meddler and this card to the victory display. Each investigator heals 1 horror. Gain 1 countermeasure.

Defuse the Explosives
Defuse the Explosives


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