Your Anguish Is My Power


Humanoid. Servitor. Elite.

Fight: 2. Health: 6. Evade: 3.
Damage: 2. Horror: 2.

Hunter. Retaliate.

Eixodolon gets +6 health and cannot be defeated by damage.

Forced - When the enemy phase begins, if there is a copy of Harvested Pain in the victory display: Ready Eixodolon.

Victory 3.
Ilich Henriquez
The Labyrinths of Lunacy #48. The Labyrinths of Lunacy #24.


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Why is there victory points? It seems that no XP are get after the scenario... Nothing related to victory display in the resolutions... It's not for sending the card in victory display: this can be achieve with "Victory 0".

Novark2 · 1
It's the same with other cards in this scenario, and with the Barkham one as well. Victory Points are just meant as a scale of archievement, not for upgrading your deck. Even though Labyrinth can be played in a wonky "Campaign Mode", you are not supposed to upgrade your decks even there, but rather play different parts with different investigators. — Susumu · 372
See https://arkhamdb.com/rules#Campaign_Play : "Each investigator earns experience equal to the total victory value of all cards in the victory display plus or minus any bonuses or penalties indicated by the campaign guide for that resolution. This total is added to any unspent experience an investigator has recorded from previous scenarios in this campaign." No need to specify it in the resolutions, it's already in the rules. — Phtayn · 1
That might be. But there are still special cases, when people might not get the XP from the victory display, e.g. Agnes Baker in her special scenario "Bad Blood", if she chooses to take the XP from the memories instead. And LoL clariefies, that you are not supposed to use the scenario as a siude story in a campaign, and even its "special campaign rules" do not include upgrading decks, so the XP is void. It's just VP as a measurement of success in this scenario. — Susumu · 372
"The Golden Rule" is a bit messy. It does not clarify, what happens, if a scenario or campaign guide contradicts the rules reference. E.g. in Roland Banks "By the Book" scenario resolution, Roland gets only the VP from enemies, other gators only the VP from location (and nobody from cards like "Delve Too Deep", should you have played them). I would argue, the scenario guide takes precedence over the RR in cases like that. Would not make any sense otherwise. — Susumu · 372
Sure: the guide takes precedence. And it says "Experience is not earned or spent in between scenarios during this campaign.". Not "Experience is not earned or spent during this campaign." So the XP are earned at the end of the campaign, after the last scenario. — Novark2 · 1