- Q: While playing a “Return to” scenario, what do I do if a campaign guide instruction or card ability refers to a card from an encounter set that has been replaced with a new encounter set? A: If it is a setup instruction or an instruction to search for that card and put it into play, the investigators should find the matching card from the new encounter set that replaced it and follow the instructions using that card, instead. (If it is unclear which is the matching card, use the encounter numbers to help guide you. For example, Wizard of the Order is card 4/6 of the Dark Cult set; if that set was replaced, the matching card would be card 4/6 of the new set.) If it is a gameplay effect other than the above, ignore it. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Perform the setup as indicated in The Path to Carcosa Campaign Guide, with the following exceptions:
- When gathering encounter sets, also gather the new encounter set for Return to The Pallid Mask shown here.
- When building the Catacombs deck, first set aside the Tomb of Shadows and the Blocked Passage, as normal.
- Next, add the 4 new Catacombs locations included in this encounter set with the remaining Catacombs locations, and determine your starting location, as normal.
(Continued on reverse side.)
Return to The Pallid Mask - Back
- Next, randomly choose 4 Catacombs locations and remove them from the game, without looking at them.
- Build the remainder of the Catacombs deck as normal.
For the duration of this scenario, the following additional rules apply:
"For the purposes of Corpse Dweller's spawn ability, The Man in the Pallid Mask does not count as a Humanoid enemy.
While it is act 2, The Man in the Pallid Mask cannot leave the Tomb of Shadows."
Attach this card to the scenario reference card as a reminder.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
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