Ato. Stage 2
After you succeed at a skill test at a Lair location during your turn: Reveal cards from the bottom of The Abyss for each point you succeed by. Draw 1 of them, shuffle the rest, and place them on top of The Abyss.
Spend 1 clue: You get +2 skill value for this skill test.
Objective - At the end of the round, if there are 3 or more revealed Cave locations in play with no clues on them, advance.
A Fateful Choice - Back
Each investigator loses all of their clues.
Check the Campaign Log and proceed to Scenario Interlude: Fate of the Vale (page 64). The investigators must decide their course of action (choose one):
- "Let's end this." (You may only choose this option if Dr. Marquez has a hunch and Dr. Marquez has a plan. You may also choose this option if Gideon finished the tale of the Annabelle Lee.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 1.
- "Save the Vale!" (You may only choose this option if The Hemlock Family made a truce and/or The Peters family was reunited.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 2.
- "Burn it all." (You may only choose this option if The Vale is full of fireworks.) Proceed to Fate of the Vale 3.
- "Escape with our lives." Proceed to Fate of the Vale 4.

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