This might have gained a bit of a place of its own with Gloria's default signature weakness(es), though it's still a big stretch. Her triple weakness, Prophecy of the End, seems to serve to throttle her usage of her ability more than anything, since I can't imagine using her reaction when you already have two underneath you. As such, putting them on the bottom of a recently shuffled encounter deck sounds like a nice boost.
There are three ways to do this. Alyssa, Scroll of Secrets, and Antediluvian Hymn. So, you either need to get lucky with the former two or use them in tandem with another "look" card, which obviously means you're using more resources. That being said, those cards already do what Gloria wants to be doing, soo it's hardly an argument against them. Still, for the mere purpose of 'bottom'ing your weaknesses, this shows you the most encounter cards per card, I think.
All that being said, a bit of prudence and Gloria's signature card should already deal well enough with her weakness, I feel like. I highly doubt that an honestly slim chance of putting one or two copies of the weakness on the bottom would be worth it on its own. I can only imagine this whole shenanigan being actually worth it if you're going full support and/or don't have those other two "put on the bottom" cards in your deck and/or benefit from the curses as well.
P.S. Oh yeah, two problems that still exist: Some scenarios shuffle the encounter deck liberally, which totally defeats its main upside. This especially sucks when the reordering aspect, which is part of what you're paying for, is not that important for Gloria beyond preventing encounter combos, since she chooses the investigator order anyway. I still can't believe this costs 2 resources, too. Anyway, I'll keep coping until this gets taboo'ed, because damn, what a waste of a cool name and amazing art.