Monster. Geist. Elite.
Fight: 3.
Health: 4.
Evade: 3.
Damage: 1.
Horror: 1.
Uncanny Shadow gets +1 health.
Discard 1-3 cards from your hand at random: Parley. Test (6). Reduce the difficulty of this test by 1 for each card you discarded as part of this action's cost. If you succeed, flip this card and resolve the text on its other side.
Forced - When Uncanny Shadow would be defeated: Flip it over and resolve the text on its other side.
Adam S. Doyle
As Chaves Escarlates Expansão de Campanha #174. Shades of Suffering #15.
If an investigator has "embarrassed the consulate," read the following (otherwise, flip this card back to its enemy side, heal all damage from it, disengage it from all investigators, and exhaust it):
The sound of laughter turns to weeping, then turns back to laughter. "It is the spirit of a boy," Melati tells you. A round ball rolls out from the darkness to your feet as you look up at the trembling forms. "The padang where he once played is now the ground of one of Ms. Tzu's endeavors. Your small gesture amused him. I think he will be at peace now."
Add this card to the victory display.
Victory 1.
The theater fills with the sound of chittering laughter as wavering shapes dance against a papery backdrop. Melati chuckles as she looks at you. "No need to worry," she says. "This spirit is restless, but it does not bear us ill will." Looking up at the papery shadows, she intones a low chant in Malay.
As Chaves Escarlates Expansão de Campanha #174. Shades of Suffering #15.

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