The Bourse - Back
The entrance to the offices is guarded. You cannot enter The Bourse unless it is the only Key Locus in play.
It seems the Coterie has set up shop in Alexandria's stock exchange building. What better place to hide than in plain sight?
The Bourse
Coterie Post
Shroud: 3. Clues: 3.
: Test or (4). If you succeed, investigators at this location may spend 1 clues as a group, to place 1 resource on the Light of Pharos. Then, if there are 3 resources on the Light of Pharos, choose an investigator at this location to take control of it.
Victory 1.
Pixoloid Studios
As Chaves Escarlates Expansão de Campanha #143. Dogs of War #9.

Related Cards
- The Bourse: Locus Safeguard (As Chaves Escarlates Expansão de Campanha #142)
- The Bourse: Commercial Center (As Chaves Escarlates Expansão de Campanha #144)
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